The Magic Inside Casinos

How is it that casinos keep people Gambling even if they don’t want to? It has been proven by science that both lights and music affects people’s arousal effects when inside casinos. It can increase the production of dopamine, known as the happy hormone. Music and lighting helps their visitors to feel good and entertained. Faster music and flashing lights increases people’s arousal in gambling areas. It makes them play and bet on casino games. Science has also proven that the color red, which is common in casinos makes people want to gamble more compared to the color blue.

Here are other ways casinos attract its customers to play more:

  • Illusion of control. This gives the players the idea that when you push a button or lift a lever that you are in control of this machines.
  • Casinos offer free alcoholic beverages. Be aware that alcohol makes you lose you inhibitions and control. This is a strategy to make their clients bet more.
  • Architecture of casinos has evolved. They have improved on their gaming designs. You would notice that there aren’t any clocks inside the casinos. This will make every player more focused on the game. They have designed casinos as an adult playground, where they can enjoy and have fun.
  • People pumped in scents inside the casinos. Arousing and appealing scents will make people gamble more.